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  • Insertion sort IN C, C++, Python, Java, Php

    Insertion sort is based on the idea of inserting a record or records into an existing sorted file. To insert a record, we are required to find the proper place…

  • Selection Sort in C, C++, Python, Java, Php

    C Implementation Of Selection Sort    , C++ Implementation Of Selection Sort    , Python Implementation Of Selection Sort    , Java Implementation Of Selection Sort    , PHP Implementation Of Selection Sort Selection sort In sectional sort…

  • Bubble Sort in C, C++, Python, Java, Php

    Sorting Sorting is the operation of arranging the records of a table/list/array in a particular order, either in ascending or descending order. Bubble sort The basic idea in bubble sort…

  • Binary Search in C, C++, Python, Java, Php

    C Implementation Of Binary Search    , C++ Implementation Of Binary Search    , Python Implementation Of Binary Search    , Java Implementation Of Binary Search    , PHP Implementation Of Binary Search [Sequential search is simple and easy method.…

  • Linear Search/Sequential Search in C, C++, Python, Java , Php

    C Implementation Of Linear Search    , C++ Implementation Of Linear Search    , Python Implementation Of Linear Search    , Java Implementation Of Linear Search    , PHP Implementation Of Linear Search Linear Search/Sequential Search in C,…

  • Applications Of Stacks

    Stack is a data structure that follows the policy of LIFO (Last In First Out). That is the element which is added at the end will be the first to…

  • comparison between getchar(), getche() and getch() functions in “C” language

    getchar()  This function helps us to take input for a single character. Header file : stdio.h Example: char ch; ch=getchar(); putchar() This function helps us to display a single character…

  • 5 Ways to Reverse String in Python

    5 Ways to Reverse String in Python Hello everyone, Here we will see different ways to reverse string in Python. In list sequence of python , we can reverse a…