C program to declare a structure named student with attributes as roll, name, m1, m2, m3, total, and per. Take input for the details, calculate and display total, and per.
#include<stdio.h> struct student { int roll; char name[20]; float m1,m2,m3,total,per; }; //}s; //struct bank s; int main() { struct student s; printf("Enter roll,name,m1,m2, and m3 "); scanf("%d %s %f %f %f",&s.roll,s.name,&s.m1,&s.m2,&s.m3); s.total=s.m1+s.m2+s.m3; s.per=s.total/3; printf("Total %.3f Per %.2f\n",s.total,s.per); return(0); }
/* Output */ Enter roll,name,m1,m2, and m3 101 Amit 98 95 96 Total 289.000 Per 96.33
C program to declare a structure named product with attributes as product number, product name, rate, quantity, and cost. Product:(pno,name,rate,qty,cost). Take input for the details, calculate and display the cost of the product.
#include<stdio.h> struct product { int pno; char pname[15]; float rate,qty,cost; }p; //struct product p; int main() { //struct product p; printf("Enter pno,pname,rate and qty "); scanf("%d %s %f %f",&p.pno,p.pname,&p.rate,&p.qty); p.cost=p.rate*p.qty; printf("cost = %.2f\n",p.cost); //getch(); return(0); }
/* Output */ Enter pno,pname,rate and qty 1001 Lux 45 6 cost = 270.00
C program to declare a structure named book with attributes as book code, book title, price , number of copies and total cost. Book (bcode, btitle, price, noc, cost). Take input for the details calculate and display cost of the books.
#include<stdio.h> struct book { int bcode; char btitle[15]; float price,noc,cost; }b; //struct book b; int main() { //struct book b; printf("Enter bcode,btitle,price and noc "); scanf("%d %s %f %f",&b.bcode,b.btitle,&b.price,&b.noc); b.cost=b.price*b.noc; printf("cost = %.2f\n",b.cost); //getch(); return(0); }
/* Output */ Enter bcode,btitle,price and noc 1002 C 256 3 cost = 768.00