Difference between object-oriented approach and object based approach

Difference between object-oriented approach and object based approach


Object-based Approach Object-oriented Approach
Major features are data encapsulation, data hiding, automatic initialization, clear-up of an object, and operator overloading. It includes all the features supported by the object-based approach along with two additional features of inheritance and dynamic binding.
Languages that support object base programming are called object-based programming languages. They do not support inheritance and dynamic binding. Languages that support object-oriented approaches have all facilities of encapsulation, inheritance polymorphism, and dynamic binding and hence, are known as object-oriented languages.
It supports abstract data but not classes. It supports both abstract data and classes which provided inheritance and polymorphism.
The languages that support object-based programming are Ada 83and Modula-2. The languages that support object-oriented approaches are Ada 95, Modula-3, C++, Smalltalk, Java, etc.