Minor Project 2
This is a minor project to maintain student details like roll,name and age. In this project we have used text file handling to save the student records and perform various operations.
In this project we have use function:
Function used: fprint() and fscanf()
User defined Functions:
void add_record():
In this function, we are taking input for details and saving in the file.
void display_all():
This function helps us to display all the records stored in the file.
void search_roll():
In this function, we are taking input for the roll no of the student whose record we want to search and then we perform a sequential search for the record with the mentioned roll number if the record is found it is displayed otherwise “record not found” message is displayed.
void search_name():
In this function, we are taking input for the name of the student whose record we want to search and then we perform a sequential search for the record with the mentioned name if the records are found they are display otherwise “record not found” message is displayed.
void delete_rec():
In this function, we are taking input for the roll no of the student whose record we want to delete and then we perform a sequential search for the record with the mentioned roll number if the record is found it is displayed and deleted otherwise “record not found” message is displayed.
void modify_rec():
In this function, we are taking input for the roll no of the student whose record we want to modify and then we perform a sequential search for the record with the mentioned roll number, if the record is found it is a display and new value are asked for and saved otherwise “record not found” message is displayed.
void menu():
This function helps us to display the main menu, where we mention all the operations to be performed.
Operations performed
1. Add a record
2. Display all the records
3. Search a record by roll number
4. search by name
5. delete a record
6. modify a record
/* Example of fprintf() and fscanf() to maintain student details like roll,name and age */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h>//for color void add_record() { FILE *fp; int roll,age; char name[20]; printf("%45s","Addtion Of New Record\n"); printf("%45s","=====================\n"); fp=fopen("stud.dat","r"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("File is not present, to be created "); fp=fopen("stud.dat","w"); } else { fclose(fp); fp=fopen("stud.dat","a"); } printf("%45s","Enter the roll number "); scanf("%d",&roll); printf("%45s","Enter the name "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%s",name); strupr(name); printf("%45s","Enter the age "); scanf("%d",&age); fprintf(fp,"%d %s %d\n",roll,name,age); fclose(fp); } void display_all() { FILE *fp; int roll,age,i; char name[20]; fp=fopen("stud.dat","r"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("Unable to open the file \n"); } else { system("color 47"); printf("%45s","Student Records\n"); printf("%45s","===============\n"); for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); printf("%15s %25s %20s\n","Roll no","Name","Age"); for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); while((fscanf(fp,"%d %s %d",&roll,name,&age))!=EOF) { printf("%15d %25s %20d\n",roll,name,age); } for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); } fclose(fp); } void search_roll() { FILE *fp; int roll,age,tr,z=0,i; char name[20]; z=0; printf("%45s","Searching Of Student Record\n"); printf("%45s","===========================\n"); printf("\n\n\n\nEnter the roll number of the record to search "); scanf("%d",&tr); fp=fopen("stud.dat","r"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("Unable to open the file \n"); return; } system("color 47"); printf("%45s","Student Records\n"); printf("%45s","===============\n"); for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); printf("%15s %25s %20s\n","Roll no","Name","Age"); for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); while((fscanf(fp,"%d %s %d",&roll,name,&age))!=EOF) { if (tr==roll) { z=1; printf("%15d %25s %20d\n",roll,name,age); //break; } } for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); fclose(fp); if (z==0) printf("Record is not present\n"); } void search_name() { FILE *fp; int roll,age,z=0,i; char name[20],tn[20]; z=0; printf("%45s","Searching Of Student Record\n"); printf("%45s","===========================\n"); printf("\n\n\n\nEnter the name to search "); scanf("%s",tn); strupr(tn); fp=fopen("stud.dat","r"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("Unable to open the file \n"); return; } system("color 47"); printf("%45s","Student Records\n"); printf("%45s","===============\n"); for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); printf("%15s %25s %20s\n","Roll no","Name","Age"); for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); while((fscanf(fp,"%d %s %d",&roll,name,&age))!=EOF) { if (strcmpi(tn,name)==0) { z=1; printf("%15d %25s %20d\n",roll,name,age); } } for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); fclose(fp); if (z==0) printf("Record is not present\n"); } void delete_rec() { FILE *fp,*tfp; int roll,age,tr,z=0,i; char name[20]; printf("%45s","Deletion Of Student Record\n"); printf("%45s","===========================\n"); printf("\n\n\n\nEnter the roll number of the record to delete "); scanf("%d",&tr); fp=fopen("stud.dat","r"); tfp=fopen("temp","w"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("Unable to open the file \n"); return; } system("color 47"); printf("%45s","Student Records\n"); printf("%45s","===============\n"); for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); printf("%15s %25s %20s\n","Roll no","Name","Age"); for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); while((fscanf(fp,"%d %s %d",&roll,name,&age))!=EOF) { if (tr==roll) { z=1; printf("%15d %25s %20d\n",roll,name,age); } else fprintf(tfp,"%d %s %d\n",roll,name,age); } fclose(fp); fclose(tfp); if (z==0) printf("Record is not present\n"); else { for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); remove("stud.dat"); rename("temp","stud.dat"); } } void modify_rec() { FILE *fp,*tfp; int roll,age,tr,z=0,i; char name[20]; printf("%45s","Modification Of Student Record\n"); printf("%45s","==============================\n"); printf("\n\n\n\nEnter the roll number of the record to modify "); scanf("%d",&tr); fp=fopen("stud.dat","r"); tfp=fopen("temp","w"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("Unable to open the file \n"); return; } system("color 47"); printf("%45s","Student Records\n"); printf("%45s","===============\n"); for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); printf("%15s %25s %20s\n","Roll no","Name","Age"); for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); while((fscanf(fp,"%d %s %d",&roll,name,&age))!=EOF) { if (tr==roll) { z=1; printf("\n Old details are \n"); printf("%d \t %s \t %d\n",roll,name,age); printf("Enter New details\n"); printf("Enter the roll number "); scanf("%d",&roll); printf("Enter the name "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%s",name); strupr(name); printf("Enter the age "); scanf("%d",&age); } fprintf(tfp,"%d %s %d\n",roll,name,age); } fclose(fp); fclose(tfp); if (z==0) printf("Record is not present\n"); else { for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); remove("stud.dat"); rename("temp","stud.dat"); } } void menu() { printf("%45s","Student Management System\n"); printf("%50s","********************************\n"); //for(i=1;i<=75;printf("="),i++); printf("\n"); printf(" Main Menu \n"); printf(" ===========\n"); printf(" 1. Add a record \n"); printf(" 2. Display all the records\n"); printf(" 3. Search a record by roll number \n"); printf(" 4. search by name \n"); printf(" 5. delete a record \n"); printf(" 6. modify a record\n"); printf(" 7. Exit \n"); printf(" Enter your choice "); } int main() { FILE *fp,*tfp; int roll,age,op=0,tr,z=0,i; char name[20],tn[20]; while(op!=7) { system("cls"); system("color E4"); menu(); scanf("%d",&op); system("cls"); switch(op) { case 1: add_record(); break; case 2: display_all(); break; case 3: search_roll(); break; case 4: search_name(); break; case 5: delete_rec(); break; case 6: modify_rec(); break; case 7: printf("End of the program\n"); break; default: printf("Invalid option \n"); break; } getch(); } return(0); }