C program to take input student details like rollno, name, marks of three subjects (m1,m2,m3). Calculate and print total and per. Also print the grade based on the given conditions:
condition Grade
if(per>=90) A+
if(per>=80 and per<90) A
if(per>=70 and per<80) B+
if(per>=60 and per<70) B
if(per>=50 and per<60) C
if(per>=40 and per<50) D
if(per<40) F
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int roll; char name[20]; float m1,m2,m3,total,per; printf("Enter roll no "); scanf("%d",&roll); printf("Enter name "); scanf("%s",name); printf("Enter marks of m1,m2 and m3 "); scanf("%f %f %f",&m1,&m2,&m3); total=m1+m2+m3; per=total/3; printf("Total = %.3f Per = %.2f\n",total,per); if(per>=90) printf("Grade : A+"); else if(per>=80 && per<90) printf("Grade : A"); else if(per>=70 && per<80) printf("Grade : B+"); else if(per>=60 && per<70) printf("Grade : B"); else if(per>=50 && per<60) printf("Grade : C"); else if(per>=40 && per<50) printf("Grade : D"); else printf("Grade : F"); return 0; }
Enter roll no 101
Enter name Amit
Enter marks of m1,m2 and m3 98
Total = 290.000 Per = 96.67
Grade : A+
C program to take input for 2 numbers and an operator(+,-,*,/). Based on the entered operator calculate and print the result?
#include <stdio.h> int main() { float a,b,c; char op; printf("Enter 2 nos "); scanf("%f %f",&a,&b); printf("Enter the operator (+,-,*,/) "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&op); if(op=='+') { c=a+b; printf("Sum = %f",c); } else if(op=='*') { c=a*b; printf("Prod = %f",c); } else if(op=='-') { if(a>b) c=a-b; else c=b-a; printf("Diff = %f",c); } else if(op=='/') { c=a/b; printf("Div = %f",c); } else printf("Invalid operator"); return 0; }
case 1:
Enter 2 nos 10
Enter the operator (+,-,*,/) +
Sum = 30.000000
case 2:
Enter 2 nos 10
Enter the operator (+,-,*,/) *
Prod = 200.000000
case 3:
Enter 2 nos 50
Enter the operator (+,-,*,/) /
Div = 10.000000
case 4:
Enter 2 nos 25
Enter the operator (+,-,*,/) –
Diff = 19.000000
case 5:
Enter 2 nos 25
Enter the operator (+,-,*,/) )
Invalid operator