General File Handling Programs
Write a C++ program to copy the contents of one file onto another file.
/* copy contents into another file */ #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; void transfer(char *sfile,char *tfile) { char ch; ifstream abc; ofstream out1;; if( { cout<<"Unable to open the source file"<<endl; exit(1); }; if( { cout<<"Unable to open the target file"<<endl; exit(1); } //to copy the contents while(!abc.eof()) { abc.get(ch); out1.put(ch); } abc.close(); out1.close(); } void display(char *file) { ifstream pqr; char ch; cout<<"The contents of the file "<<file<<" are "<<endl;; if( { cout<<"Unable to open the file "<<file<<endl; exit(1);//return; } while(!pqr.eof()) { pqr.get(ch); //cout<<ch; cout.put(ch); } pqr.close(); } int main() { char sfile[10],tfile[10]; cout<<"Enter source file name "; cin>>sfile; cout<<"Enter target file name "; cin>>tfile; transfer(sfile,tfile); display(sfile); display(tfile); getch(); return(0); }
Write a C++ program to read the contents of a file and perform the following:
1. copy all alphabets to a file named “alpha”
2. copy all lower case alphabets to a file named “lower”
3. copy all upper case alphabets to a file named “upper”
4. copy all digits to a file named “digits”
Further display contents of all the file.
/* Main File "data" lower upper digit alpha */ #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; void transfer() { char ch; ifstream abc; ofstream out1,out2,out3,out4;"data.txt"); if( { cout<<"Unable to open the Source file"<<endl; exit(1); }"alpha"); if( { cout<<"Unable to open the alpha file"<<endl; exit(1); }"lower"); if( { cout<<"Unable to open the lower file"<<endl; exit(1); }"upper"); if( { cout<<"Unable to open the upper file"<<endl; exit(1); }"digit"); if( { cout<<"Unable to open the digit file"<<endl; exit(1); } while(!abc.eof()) { abc.get(ch); if(isalpha(ch)) //if((ch>='A' && ch<='Z') || (ch>='a' && ch<='z')) out1.put(ch); if(islower(ch)) out2.put(ch); if(isupper(ch)) out3.put(ch); if(isdigit(ch)) out4.put(ch); } abc.close(); out1.close(); out2.close(); out3.close(); out4.close(); } void display(char *file) { ifstream pqr; char ch; cout<<"The contents of the file "<<file<<" are "<<endl;; if( { cout<<"Unable to open the file "<<file<<endl; exit(1);//return; } while(!pqr.eof()) { pqr.get(ch); //cout<<ch; cout.put(ch); } pqr.close(); cout<<endl; } int main() { transfer(); cout<<"Data Transfered"<<endl; display("data.txt"); display("alpha"); display("lower"); display("upper"); display("digit"); getch(); return(0); }