cout is an object related to the standard output stream. It helps us to display any text/value of a variable and value of an expression on a standard output device.
For using cout in programs
In Turboc3
header file : iostream.h
use in program : #include<iostream.h>
In DevC++
header file : iostream
use in program : #include<iostream>
when two or more insertion operators are used in one statement it is called as cascading of insertion operators.
cin is an object related to the standard input stream. It helps us to take input for the value of a variable through a standard input device.
For using cin in programs
In Turboc3
header file : iostream.h
use in program : #include<iostream.h>
In DevC++
header file : iostream
use in program : #include<iostream>
when two or more Extraction operators are used in one statement it is called as cascading of Extraction operators.