Question: 16
Write a python program to read a file named “story.txt”, count and print total lines starting with vowels in the file?
filepath = 'story.txt' vowels="AEIOUaeiou" with open(filepath) as fp: line = fp.readline() cnt = 1 while line: if(line[0] in vowels): #print(line) print("Line {}: {}".format(cnt, line.strip())) cnt=cnt+1 line = fp.readline()
Line 1: amit
Line 2: owl
Line 3: Eat apple a day and stay healthy
Line 4: Anmol
Question: 17
Python program to plot a sine wave using a line chart
#program to plot a sine wave using a line chart import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np xvals=np.arange(-2,1,0.01) yvals=np.sin(xvals) #evaluate function on xvals create line plot with xvals and yvals plt.plot(xvals,yvals) show the grid plt.grid(True)
Python program to plot bar chart
#program to plot bar chart import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np objects=("python","c++","Java","Perl","C","Lisp") y_pos=np.arange(len(objects)) performance=[10,8,5,4,2,1] plt.xlabel="Usage" plt.ylabel="Languages" plt.title("Programming language usage"),performance,align="center",width=.5, color='r') plt.barh(y_pos,performance,align="center", color='r')
Python interface with MySQL
Write a function to insert a record in table using python and MySQL interface.
def insert_data(): #take input for the details and then save the record in the databse #to insert data into the existing table in an existing database import pymysql # Open database connection #conn=pymysql.connect(host='localhost',user='root',password='',db='test') db = pymysql.connect("localhost","root","","test4") # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method c = db.cursor() r=int(input("Enter roll no ")) n=input("Enter name ") p=int(input("Enter per ")) try: # execute SQL query using execute() method. c.execute("insert into student (roll,name,per) values (%s,%s,%s)",(r,n,p)) #to save the data db.commit() print("Record saved") except: db.rollback() # disconnect from server db.close() # function calling insert_data()
Enter roll no 101
Enter name amit
Enter per 97
Record saved
Program 20:
Python interface with MySQL
Write a function to display all the records stored in a table using python and MySQL interface.
def display_all(): #display the records from a table #field by field import pymysql # Open database connection #conn=pymysql.connect(host='localhost',user='root',password='',db='test') db = pymysql.connect("localhost","root","","test4") # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method try: c = db.cursor() sql='select * from student;' c.execute(sql) countrow=c.execute(sql) print("number of rows : ",countrow) #data=a.fetchone() data=c.fetchall() #print(data) print("=========================") print("Roll No Name Per ") print("=========================") for eachrow in data: r=eachrow[0] n=eachrow[1] p=eachrow[2] # Now print fetched result print(r,' ',n,' ',p) print("=========================") except: db.rollback() # disconnect from server db.close() # function calling display_all()
number of rows : 2
Roll No Name Per
102 aaa 99
101 amit 97
Program :21
Python interface with MySQL
Write a function to search a record stored in a table using python and MySQL interface.
def search_roll(): #searching a record by roll no #display the records from a table #field by field import pymysql # Open database connection #conn=pymysql.connect(host='localhost',user='root',password='',db='test') db = pymysql.connect("localhost","root","","test4") # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method try: z=0 roll=int(input("Enter roll no to search ")) c = db.cursor() sql='select * from student;' c.execute(sql) countrow=c.execute(sql) print("number of rows : ",countrow) #data=a.fetchone() data=c.fetchall() #print(data) for eachrow in data: r=eachrow[0] n=eachrow[1] p=eachrow[2] # Now print fetched result if(r==roll): z=1 print(r,n,p) if(z==0): print("Record is not present") except: db.rollback() # disconnect from server db.close() # function calling search_roll()
Enter roll no to search 101
number of rows : 2
101 amit 97
CBSE Class 12 @ Python
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