File reading: Character By Character
Question: 6
write a (python script) function named count_digit() to read the contents of the file “story.txt”. Further, count and print total digit in the file.
def count_digit(): d=0 with open("story.txt") as f: while True: c=f.read(1) if not c: break print(c,end='') if(c>='0' and c<='9'): d=d+1 print("total digits ",d) #function calling count_digit()
Question : 7
write a (python script) function named count_vowels() to read the contents of the file “story.txt”. Further count and print total vowels in the file.
def count_vowels(): d=0 vowels="aeiouAEIOU" with open("story.txt") as f: while True: c=f.read(1) if not c: break print(c,end='') if(c in vowels): d=d+1 print("total digits ",d) #function calling count_vowels()
Question: 8
write a (python script) function named count_consonants() to read the contents of the file “story.txt”. Further, count and print total consonants in the file.
def count_consonants(): c1=0 vowels="aeiouAEIOU" with open("story.txt") as f: while True: c=f.read(1) if not c: break print(c,end='') if((c>='A' and c<='Z') or(c>='a' and c<='z')): if not (c in vowels): c1=c1+1 print("total consonants ",c1) #function calling count_consonants()

Question : 9
write a (python script) function named count() to read the contents of the file “story.txt”. Further count and print the following:
#total length
#total alphabets
#total vowels
#total conbsonants
#total non alpha chars
def count(): d=0 le=0 c1=0 c2=0 a=0 vowels="aeiouAEIOU" with open("story.txt") as f: while True: c=f.read(1) if not c: break print(c,end='') le=le+1 if((c>='A' and c<='Z') or(c>='a' and c<='z')): a=a+1 if (c in vowels): d=d+1 else: c1=c1+1 c2=c2+1 print("total vowels ",d) print("total consonants ",c1) print("total alphabets ",a) print("total chars which are not alphabets ",c2) print("length = ",le) #function calling count()
Question: 10
write a (python script) function named count_spaces() to read the contents of the file “story.txt”. Further count and print total spaces in the file.
def count_space(): d=0 space=" " with open("story.txt") as f: while True: c=f.read(1) if not c: break print(c,end='') if(c in space): d=d+1 print("total spaces ",d) #function calling count_space()