To fetch the system date and display.
In order to fetch date from the system we use a system defined structure named “date”.
Function used :
This function helps us to fetch system date and store in a date type variable
header file: dos.h
This function helps us to modify the system date by the date stored in a date type variable.
header file: dos.h
Structure of the date as used by these functions:
struct date {
int da_year; current year
char da_day; day of the month
char da_mon; month (1 = Jan)
/* Program developed in Turboc3 */ /* getdate() Gets DOS system date header file: dos.h */ /* Structure of the date as used by these functions: getdate() setdate() struct date { int da_year; current year char da_day; day of the month char da_mon; month (1 = Jan) }; */ #include <dos.h> #include <stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { struct date d; getdate(&d); clrscr(); printf("The current year is: %d\n", d.da_year); printf("The current day is: %d\n", d.da_day); printf("The current month is: %d\n", d.da_mon); printf("date is : %d-%d-%d\n",d.da_day,d.da_mon, d.da_year); getch(); }
Program to show system date and then asks the user to change the date from within the program. Then display the changed date.
/* Program developed in Turboc3 */ /* Program to display System Date and allow the user to modify the System Date */ #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> void main() { struct date d1,d2; int d,m,y; clrscr(); getdate(&d1); printf("date is (dd-mm-yy) : %d-%d-%d\n", d1.da_day,d1.da_mon,d1.da_year); printf("Enter new date\n"); printf("Enter day :");scanf("%d",&d); printf("Enter month : ");scanf("%d",&m); printf("Enter year : ");scanf("%d",&y); d2.da_year = y; d2.da_day = d; d2.da_mon = m; setdate(&d2); printf("Date after setting:\n"); getdate(&d1); printf("date is (dd-mm-yy) : %d-%d-%d\n", d1.da_day,d1.da_mon,d1.da_year); getch(); }
Program to display system date and time
and program to calculate sum of two numbers(Any Program)
/* Program developed in Turboc3 */ #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> void show_date_time() { struct time t; struct date d1; getdate(&d1); gotoxy(10,3); printf("Todays date is (dd-mm-yy) : %d-%d-%d\n", d1.da_day,d1.da_mon,d1.da_year); gotoxy(10,4); gettime(&t); printf("Todays time is:%2d:%02d:%02d.%02d\n", t.ti_hour, t.ti_min, t.ti_sec, t.ti_hund); printf("\n\n\n"); } void sum() { int a,b,c; printf("Enter 2 numbers "); scanf("%d %d",&a,&b); c=a+b; printf("Sum = %d\n",c); } void main() { clrscr(); show_date_time(); sum(); getch(); }