Maintaining Bank details like accno, name and balance using Queues (Using Functions)
#queue implementation using functions #program to create a queue of bank(acno,name,bal). """ Add custmer delete customer display details """ bank=[] def Add_customer(): acno=input("Enter account no. ") name=input("Enter name ") bal=input("Enter balance ") b=(acno,name,bal) bank.append(b) def del_customer(): if(bank==[]): print("Underflow / bank queue in empty") else: acno,name,bal=bank.pop(0) print("poped element is ") print("Accountno ",acno," name ",name," balance ",bal) def traverse(): if not (bank==[]): n=len(bank) for i in range(0,n): print(bank[i]) else: print("Empty , No details to display") while True: print("1. Add details of bank customer") print("2. delete details of bank customer") print("3. Display details of bank") print("4. Exit") ch=int(input("Enter your choice ")) if(ch==1): Add_customer() elif(ch==2): del_customer() elif(ch==3): traverse() elif(ch==4): print("End") break else: print("Invalid choice")