Write a C program to take input for distance in meters convert it into kilometers(km) and meters(m).
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int km,m; printf("Enter total meters "); scanf("%d",&m); km=m/1000; m=m%1000; printf("km %d m %d",km,m); return 0; }
/* Output */ Enter total meters 1500 km 1 m 500 Enter total meters 2500 km 2 m 500
Write a C program to take input for distance in cm convert it into m and cm.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int m,cm; printf("Enter total cm "); scanf("%d",&cm); m=cm/100; cm=cm%100; printf("m %d cm %d",m,cm); return 0; }
/* Output */ Enter total cm 105 m 1 cm 5 Enter total cm 253 m 2 cm 53
Write a C program to take input for distance in mm convert it into cm and mm.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int cm,mm; printf("Enter total mm "); scanf("%d",&mm); cm=mm/10; mm=mm%10; printf("cm %d mm %d",cm,mm); return 0; }
/* Output */ Enter total mm 125 cm 12 mm 5 Enter total mm 35 cm 3 mm 5
Write a C program to take input for total days convert in into years, months, weeks, and days.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int y,m,w,d; printf("Enter total days "); scanf("%d",&d); y=d/365; d=d%365; m=d/30; d=d%30; w=d/7; d=d%7; printf("years %d months %d weeks %d days %d",y,m,w,d); return 0; }
/* Output */ Enter total days 366 years 1 months 0 weeks 0 days 1 Enter total days 403 years 1 months 1 weeks 1 days 1
Write a C program to take input for total seconds convert in into hours, minutes, weeks, and days.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int h,m,s; printf("Enter total time in seconds "); scanf("%d",&s); h=s/3600; s=s%3600; m=s/60; s=s%60; printf("hours %d mimutes %d seconds %d ",h,m,s); return 0; }
/* Output */ Enter total time in seconds 3601 hours 1 minutes 0 seconds 1 Enter total time in seconds 65 hours 0 minutes 1 seconds 5