C++: Constructors And Destructors 12

The sequence of execution of constructors and destructors

Whenever an object of a class is declared the constructor function of the class automatically gets called/invoked. We cannot invoke/call the constructor functions of the class using an object.

The destructor function gets executed in reverse order of the creation of the objects.

We may have a situation when a class contains objects of other classes as its data elements, then in such a case, the constructors of the member objects are invoked first, and then only, the constructors of the containing class is invoked.

Give the output of the following program code?

using namespace std;
class A
	  cout<<"Constructor of class A"<<endl;
	  cout<<"Destructor of class A"<<endl;
class B
	  cout<<"Constructor of class B"<<endl;
	  cout<<"Destructor of class B"<<endl;
class C
	  cout<<"Constructor of class C"<<endl;
	  cout<<"Destructor of class C"<<endl;

int main()
	A a1;
  	B b1;
  	C c1;


Constructor of class A
Constructor of class B
Constructor of class C
Destructor of class C
Destructor of class B
Destructor of class A