C++ : Constructors And Destructors 8


A destructor function is a special function which if present automatically gets executed whenever an object goes out of scope i.e. gets destroyed.


• Name of the destructor function is exactly same as that of the class except that it is preceded by a special symbol ~ (tilde).
• It has no return type not even void
• Destructor function if present automatically gets executed whenever an object goes out of scope i.e. gets destroyed.
• It cannot be invoked by an object of the class.
• We cannot pass any arguments to the destructor function.
• Destructor functions cannot be overloaded (Reason: because we cannot pass any arguments to the function).
• Destructor function gets executed in reverse order of the creation of the objects.

How many destructors can be present in one class?
Only one. (Reason: as we cannot pass any arguments to the destructor function, and hence it cannot be overloaded.)

Can the destructor function be overloaded?
No destructor function cannot be overloaded, as we cannot pass any arguments to a destructor function.